Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hair styling tips anyone for black people hair w/o a perm?

My hair is shoulder length is very soft, very thick, and very curly. If my hair was a weave they would call it yacky (?) School is coming up and it's my junior year and i would love to do something with it besides just twist it. any suggestions out there? * i like my hair straight but realize that w/o a perm, it kind of damages my hair.:(*Hair styling tips anyone for black people hair w/o a perm?
You can cornroll (braid) it into small cornrolls. Tie it down at night and while you have a du-rag on it, wet it and let it dry with the du-rag still on. It will look freshly done again. Just make sure your eyebrows are on point and your lip gloss is popping!

Or, you can blow dry and flat iron it. Although it may sound damaging, but you can wear it for at least 2 weeks if you tie it down at night (wrap it) and only add drops of shine in your hand and then rub your hair, but only a little shine! You don't wanna weigh it down.

Or, you can get plats. I recommend the small ones. You can do sooo much with them. And, they can last for at least 8wks if you take care of them.

Lastly, do a side part with a side knot on the opposite side in the back. Make sense?? Part on left side in front...smooth it down and put a side knot on the right side in the back. Very clean cute, and in some sorta way can be elegant. I do this allllll the time.

Love the yacky terminology. You can say I have wet n wavy. :-)

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