Saturday, February 27, 2010

Can White people get black people hair if so how?


yes you can..... by backcombing the hair

I am being serious.....eveyone else is just ignorantCan White people get black people hair if so how?
no, unless they use extensions made from African American hair, but i dont know why you would want to mix the two textures like that, but i guess it is possible.Can White people get black people hair if so how?
What about extensions? That might be interesting.
stick your finger in a socket
Hair extensions!!
that's just plain crazy. crazy,man,crazy.///
no, just plain no
YES,it's possible if he/she has a black parental background. (Heridity) Genes are passed from parents to their children.

Every child's cell contain two sets of chromosomes,one set inherited from the mother and one from the father.(mature sperm from a man and egg cell from a woman carry a single set of chromocomes.)Each set has 23 single chromosomes-22autosomes and an X or Y sex chromosomes.(females inherit an X from each parent,while males get an X from the mother and a Y from the father. As you can see children are made up of inherited genes from their parents, making it possible for one to inherit the black parent hair.
Why would white people want to have black people hair??

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