Saturday, February 27, 2010

How long is it going to grow out my hair from being relaxed. and this is black people hair?

seriously how long would it take? and how much inches and what can i do to start off ? like braids and stuff?

and this is black people relaxed hair.^^hea heaHow long is it going to grow out my hair from being relaxed. and this is black people hair?
oh im doin the same thing!!! yea puttin it in braids is definitely a good idea cuz it helps it grow out faster. u shld also get a haircut (not a trim, a haircut!) every month or two to get the relaxer off. But till u get it all off (which will take to 6 months to 3 years!) u shld use gentle hair products (like organic stuff), condition it alot (with a deep conditioner AND a leave-in), and take a break from heat styling (or at least cut down on it)

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